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EP. 91 The Difference Between Transparency and Authenticity

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Welcome to episode 91 of the Hope Rescue Podcast. This week Tim is speaking alone about the difference between transparency and authenticity. Should we be transparent all the time with everyone? Is transparency the same thing as authenticity? Can you be authentic without being transparent? Keep reading or listening to find out!

What is the difference between transparency and authenticity? Transparency is a person revealing themselves. It means that a person cannot or does not hide or conceal anything. Authenticity is not about how much is shared but what is shared. Authenticity is about being genuine and real. The opposite of transparency is to conceal and the opposite of authenticity is to be fake.

Tim begins by outlining some tips for being transparent. The first tip is to ask ourselves some useful questions.

Question 1: When should I share my failings, sins, and past mistakes?

Question 2: How much of my story should I share?

Question 3: How much should I share on social media?

We do not need to feel obligated to share our entire stories with everyone. In fact, it could potentially be harmful to share something personal with someone we don’t trust. While it is important to talk through our past mistakes and regrets, we shouldn’t share personal information with just anyone. Find a trusted friend or friend group you know you can confide in.

Tim explains that there are different levels of transparency. It is appropriate to have low-level transparency with almost anyone. For example, if you are with a group of couples and share that you and your spouse struggle just like all couples, that is low-level transparency. Not sharing every detail but also not concealing the truth that sometimes you and your spouse disagree. An example of medium transparency would be sharing a little more by saying, “Sometimes my spouse and I disagree on how to raise the children.” Medium transparency gives a little more detail to the story but still doesn’t fully share the private and personal situation. High-level transparency would be sharing something incredibly personal such as, “I cheated on my spouse,” or, “My spouse cheated on me.” When sharing personal information and struggles, especially that involve other people, we have to ask ourselves if we are sharing in an appropriate setting. Transparency needs to come out of a heart of wisdom. Think it through before sharing overly personal information with people you hardly know. We must be selective with who we share personal information with.

Authenticity is about being genuine with everyone. It’s less about sharing personal information and more about representing one's true nature or beliefs. It’s about being true to who you are. We don’t have to be fully transparent to be authentic with people. Not everyone can handle full transparency, but everyone can handle authenticity. People who are authentic don't spend all their time trying to prove they are authentic. They just communicate from a position of confidence and are comfortable in their own skin.

Are you genuine and real? Or do you spend more time trying to prove you are someone who you are not? Colossians 4:5-6 says, "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Find opportunities. Use the right words. Have the right motive. The word “time” in the greek language in verse five is more like a moment or opportunity. Moments have quality and meaning. The best way to lead non-believers to Christ is not to try to force the gospel into a moment. Tim says, “Time of authenticity will lead to a moment of opportunity.” When you develop a relationship with a non-believer and are authentic and true to who you are and what you believe, an opportunity will eventually present itself. Be mindful of how your words impact others. Do your words build up or tear down? Are your words focused on defending your position or reaching the heart of the person you love?


“People who are authentic don't spend all their time trying to prove they are authentic. They just communicate from a position of confidence and are comfortable in their own skin.” -Tim

“Time of authenticity will lead to a moment of opportunity.” -Tim


Colossians 4:5-6 "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”



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