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EP. 47 Five Sure Ways to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Welcome back to another week of the Hope Rescue Podcast and the last podcast of 2019! Today we will be talking about New Year’s Resolutions. Should you make them or not? If so, what is a healthy way to set yourself up for 2020? Stay tuned to find out more!

Did you know that 60 percent of people set New Year’s resolutions but only 8 percent are successful at sticking with their resolutions? Why are so many people failing to pursue their resolutions?

According to an Inc. study of 2,000 people, these are the 10 most common resolutions that were made in 2019.

1. Diet or eat healthier (71 percent)

2. Exercise more (65 percent)

3. Lose weight (54 percent)

4. Save more and spend less (32 percent)

5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26 percent)

6. Quit smoking (21 percent)

7. Read more (17 percent)

8. Find another job (16 percent)

9. Drink less alcohol (15 percent)

10. Spend more time with family and friends (13 percent)

We have put together five tips for setting New Year’s Resolutions in hopes that they will stick past the first week of January.

1. Set goals based on your purpose and passion. In other words, set goals in regards to things that improve your life and that you truly love. Make a list of the things that you love and then narrow the list to a list of goals. Reaching your goals doesn't have to be a struggle. Kimberly says, “Align your goals with your unique purpose and embrace who you were made to be.”

2. Set goals where you can control the input, not the outcome. All you can do is create the input, you can't secure the outcome.

3. Set goals that are reasonable and measurable. If there is no way to evaluate whether you’ve accomplished your goals or not, consider reforming your goals into a measurable objective. Don’t be broad or general with your goals, but be specific in a way that allows you to track your progress.

4. Celebrate your wins. Don’t wait until you fulfill the maximum goal to celebrate. Celebrate each little win along the way because it will not only encourage you but also those who are going alongside you in your journey.

5. Don’t see it as a failure when you have a setback. Kimberly says, “Part of the process of accomplishing anything significant in our lives is going through the mishaps of failure.” Even when you mess up, get back on the wagon and keep moving forward. Kimberly emphasizes the idea of "failing forward" which means to learn from your mistakes and keep moving on.

Don’t forget to tune in next week as we continue discussing the topic of New Year’s resolutions! We love you guys!


"Reaching your goals doesn't have to be a struggle. Align your goals with your unique purpose and embrace who you were made to be." -Kimberly

“Part of the process of accomplishing anything significant in our lives is going through the mishaps of failure.” -Kimberly


1 Corinthians 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

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