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EP. 198 Ten Things to Never Say to Your Husband

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In this episode, we focus on the profound impact of our words on our marital relationships. Our words can either heal or harm, uplift or discourage. As Proverbs 12:18 wisely teaches, "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." This verse reminds us of the incredible influence our words hold, emphasizing that when we speak thoughtfully and wisely, we can bring healing and restoration to our relationships.

10 Things to Never Say to Your Husband

1. "You're doing that wrong" or "Don't do it that way"

When your husband does things differently, remember that different doesn't equate to wrong. Trust and respect his choices, understanding that both perspectives contribute to a harmonious household.

2. "Why can't you make more money"

When the question of financial provision arises within our marriages, let us ground our thoughts in the enduring message of 1 Timothy 6:10: "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." Reflect upon the foundation of your relationship. Did you marry your husband for his wealth or out of love? As time unfolds, our love should remain constant. Avoid sowing seeds of doubt in your husband's heart; instead, nurture his sense of provision and trust in his leadership, anchored in the love and grace of God.

3. "Whatever."

The word "whatever" can inadvertently create emotional distance within our relationships. Instead of dismissing conflicts with this word, let's commit to open and compassionate communication, especially in the midst of passionate disagreements. Avoid walking away from the conversation out of frustration; instead, remain dedicated to understanding and seeking resolutions.

4. "I don't respect you."

Respect is a cornerstone of a healthy marriage. Even when you disagree, avoid making sweeping statements that damage your husband's self-esteem. Embrace differences and find ways to express respect and admiration for him as a unique individual.

5. "I'm fine."

Honesty is vital in emotional conversations with your spouse. If you don't feel safe sharing your true feelings, consider seeking professional counseling together. When your husband asks about your well-being or seeks to understand your emotions, invite him into your heart and mind. Open dialogue fosters restoration.

6. "Calm down."

Telling someone to "calm down" typically escalates tension instead of diffusing it. Try to empathize with your husband's perspective and understand the source of his emotional state. A compassionate approach can lead to better communication and conflict resolution.

7. "You're just like your ___"

Comparing your husband negatively to someone else, whether it's a parent, boss, or acquaintance, is detrimental. Your husband is a unique individual, not a copy of someone else. Embrace his uniqueness and avoid trying to fit him into a box that doesn't align with who he truly is.

8. "If you want sex, you need to ___."

Intimacy should never be used as a weapon or a transactional tool. Manipulating your spouse to fulfill your desires is unhealthy and can harm your connection. Maintain a loving and respectful approach to intimacy within your marriage.

9. "I'm not in love with you."

Words possess immense power, often echoing long after they are spoken. Even if you didn't mean it, avoid saying these words impulsively. Take responsibility for nurturing love within your marriage. Remember, you can control your actions, so work towards falling back in love with your husband.

10. "You're so dumb."

Undermining your husband's intelligence is hurtful and can lead to insecurity and shame. Instead, celebrate his intellectual strengths and encourage his personal growth. Support his endeavors and be his biggest cheerleader.

As we wrap up today's episode, remember that our words have the power to shape our marriages. Let's strive to be mindful of what we say, drawing from the wisdom of scripture to strengthen our bonds with our spouses.



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