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EP. 178 Five Things I Would Never Do as a Spouse

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Welcome to a new week of the Hope Rescue Podcast. We’ve been in a series on the topic of “5 Things I Would Never Do.” In the past few weeks, Tim and Kimberly have shared things they wouldn’t do as a father, mother, and as a spiritual leader. This week they are sharing five things they would never do as a spouse.

  1. Avoid Healthy Conflict - Conflict in marriage doesn’t have to be damaging; it can actually be beneficial if you are fighting for each other instead of against each other.

  2. Withhold love, affection, or sex - These are not tools for manipulation. They are not prizes for good behavior, and they’re not punishment for bad behavior. Love should flow freely.

  3. Tear down my spouse in public or in private - Use your words to build up and encourage your spouse, not to tear him or her down. When we speak badly about our spouses in public, it not only looks bad on us but it tears down trust within our marriages.

  4. Use unqualified friends or family to counsel our marriage issues - Instead, find a qualified friend who loves you and your spouse equally and wants your marriage to thrive. Don’t discuss marriage problems with friends who will enable you to continue fighting against your spouse.

  5. Make inappropriate friendships in the workplace - Set very solid boundaries at work. Don’t get caught up sharing personal marriage issues with someone of the opposite gender at work.

Bonus Thing I Would Never do as a Spouse

  1. Expect my spouse to take responsibility for my spiritual walk, personal growth, or personal development - Personally pursue the Lord and HIs Word. Don’t expect anyone to do it for you.



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