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Welcome to a new week of the Hope Rescue Podcast. Tim and Kimberly are in a short series on the topic of personality traits where they are sharing the difference between introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. This week, we are discussing extroverts.
Misconceptions about Extroverts
Misconception #1: Extroverts are more confident than introverts.
Misconception #2: Extroverts and introverts don’t get along.
Misconception #3: Extroverts lack deep social connections.
Misconception #4: Extroverts don’t think before they speak.
Misconception #5: Extroverts don’t enjoy being alone.
Tim and Kimberly discuss the idea that it’s difficult to have more than three really close, trusted friends in your inner circle. At a gathering, an extrovert may talk to every person there, but in reality they likely only have a few close, trusted friends. If we are choosing the right people, we won’t feel the need to have more than 1-3 close friends. To develop a close, deep relationship with a friend, it requires a lot of time and energy getting to know them and vice versa, so this is why only having a few very close friends is most common.
What does it mean to have a loyal friend?
You can trust them. You don’t feel like you have to withhold information from them out of fear they will run and tell someone else. You can trust them with the whole truth.
You know they have tolerance with you. In loyal, close, deep friendship, both parties know almost everything about each other, the good and the bad.
You know they accept you but don’t enable you. A loyal friend will love you as you are but also encourage you to change for the better, and they won’t enable you to continue in harmful behaviors, even if it’s not what you want to hear.
The directive of the church is found in Ephesians 4:1-3 and it says, “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
4 Social Rules for Extroverts to Remember
Respect privacy. Even if you are an open book and want to share details of your life, not everyone wants to share at the same level. Respect that and allow them to have private parts of their lives.
Respect boundaries. If a close friend has expressed a boundary they would like to set in their life, respect it without pushing back. Allow them to draw their own lines.
Respect time. Everyones lives are on some sort of schedule. Even if we disagree with the way our friends are using their time, if they say they have somewhere to be or something to do, respect their time.
Respect values. We can have different values than our close friends and still respect them. We can love people well and still disagree.
Tim closes the podcast with a tip for extroverts which is to get to know what drives a person. Find out what your introverted friends are passionate about, and then ask them about it. Just because they are slower to speak doesn’t mean they don’t have something valuable to say.
Join us next week as we discuss how introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts can function together.
