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Welcome back to the Hope Rescue Podcast. After taking a couple week break, we are back with an episode sharing Tim’s top advice to young men. Tim and Kimberly were discussing what they would say to their younger selves, which sparked the idea to discuss sharing advice for the younger generations. Keep reading or listening to discover Tim’s advice for young men. Next week, Kimberly will share her advice for young women.
Tim’s Advice to Young Men:
Enjoy your younger years and stop trying to grow up so quickly. Enjoy the journey. Young boys tend to want to grow up and mature quicker than what nature would allow. Young men and fathers want to get their careers going so they spend more time away from their family and children than with them. Enjoy each moment of the journey. Savor it because it won’t last. There is something everyday that is valuable to enjoy.
Don’t be afraid to be a real man. Tim doesn't mean the stereotypical macho, tough, aggressive man. He recommends turning your aggression into assertiveness. Also to fathers, let your boys be boys. That is how the Lord created them to be. Allow your sons to be competitive and help them turn their competition into purpose. Allow your drivers in life to be purpose-oriented, not competitive-oriented.
Let your love be tender, in regards to children, people in your world such as family, and even for your male friends.
Seek out older men in your life that could be mentors to you. Find someone you look up to either in ministry or business or whatever area interests you, and be teachable.
Be strong and lead. Lead your home and your family well. Not in a repressive way but in a respectful, chivalrous, and protective way.
Don’t worry if things are rough; things will improve. Don’t feel stuck.
Don’t wait to act on your dreams. Tim explains that he always pushed back his dreams out of fear. Make time and space to work towards your dreams, and don’t let fear get in the way.
Don’t put God second. Don’t put Him second behind your spouse or your children or your business or your dreams. Always put God first. Read the Word of God daily. Talk to the Lord in prayer. Pray with your family and with your spouse. You will never regret waking up and choosing to put the Lord first.
Don’t let conflict go unresolved. Don’t allow fear to get in the way of mending relationships. If you have wronged someone or been wronged, do the hard work of reconciliation. Reach out in love to show how you care and love them.
Worry less about what people think. So many men are worried about comparing their power, influence, and financial success to others. When you know you are doing something with purpose that is God-honoring, don’t worry about what others think.
Spend more time laughing.
Take more pictures of people you love, especially your children.
Have fun and enjoy life.
Don’t wait for something to happen; make it happen.
Don’t allow lust, greed, or fear to rule your life. Don’t lust for what others have. Don’t allow greed to drive you. Don’t allow fear to hold you back.
Complain less & be more grateful.
Join us next week as Kimberly shares her top advice for young women.
