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EP. 126 How to Identify & Minimize Fear in Your Life

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Welcome to a new week of the Hope Rescue Podcast. This week we are continuing our discussion on fear. Last week we discussed “How to Detox Your Heart” in episode 125, and this week we are discussing how to identify and minimize fear in our lives. Keep reading to find out!

Tim begins by explaining where anxiety originates. If we live with fear for long periods of time, our hearts will become riddled with anxiety. Anxiety is essentially fear run amok. When fear begins to dominate our lives, it turns into anxiety. Anxiety is when fear permeates the soul.

Fear is the first negative emotion to ever be felt by a human. After Adam and Eve had sinned and the Lord was calling for them in the garden, Adam says in Genesis 3:10, "I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” The fear Adam and Eve felt in the garden drove their shame and caused them to want to hide from each other and from God. It affected their spiritual and physical relationships.

You may have fear in your life without even knowing it. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you have unknown fear.

Do you spend a lot of your time thinking about the future? If you’re obsessing about the future and it consumes your thoughts, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it.

Are you satisfied with what you have presently? If you’re struggling to enjoy the present because you’re stressed about what’s coming, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it. Kimberly says, “Always looking forward to the future can become toxic if we are not able to be present and enjoy what the Lord is doing in the present moment.”

Does the success of others make you jealous? If you feel a strong desire to be more than others instead of equal to others, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it.

Do you become defensive when others criticize you? If you can't take criticism well, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it.

Do you constantly see yourself as a victim? If you can’t let go of a victim mentality, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it.

Do you feel unsafe in the world or in your thoughts? If you feel unsafe in your mind or in the world around you, you may be experiencing fear without knowing it.

How can we minimize the fear in our lives? We cannot permanently remove all fear from our lives; it will be a part of the human experience until we are in heaven. But Tim shares three tips to minimize fear in our lives.

  1. Identify the fear in your life.

  2. Take the fear to its logical conclusion.

  3. Replace the lies in your life with truth.

Tim recommends writing down your top five fears and then write down five things that define you. Lastly, he recommends taking each fear to its logical conclusion meaning if the fear came to reality, what would happen? What is the worst case scenario, and what would happen if it became a reality? Usually the worst case scenario is something we can still manage and move on from. Join us next week as we continue the discussion on fear.


“Anxiety materializes when fear permeates the soul.” -Tim

“Always looking forward to the future can become toxic if we are not able to be present and enjoy what the Lord is doing in the present moment.” -Kimberly


Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."



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