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EP. 102 Tips for a Healthy Sex Life During the Lockdown

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This week on the Hope Rescue Podcast, Tim and Kimberly are answering some questions that were sent in by listeners. Keep reading to hear the discussion!

The first question they tackle is: “How do you keep romance alive in your marriage during the quarantine?” Tim and Kimberly share that while sex is incredibly important in a marriage, we should focus first on making a romantic, heart connection with our spouse. If we feel connected emotionally with our spouses, the sex will follow naturally. If we solely look at sex through the grid of personal gratification, intimacy with our partner will never be the focus. Kimberly explains that even when the days are busy and you feel like you can’t get time away, affirm your spouse throughout the day. Speak highly about your spouse in front of your children, and you will naturally feel more connected. Tim recommends taking the time to physically write down the things you love and appreciate about your spouse. In a moment of frustration, you may feel like you can’t find anything you value about your spouse, but if you take the time to truly think about all your spouse does for you and your family, you will naturally begin to feel more connected and appreciative towards your spouse. Tim also recommends taking the time throughout the day to kiss and hug without expecting it to go anywhere. Hold your spouse and let them know that even though the day is busy, you are thinking of them.

The second question Tim and Kimberly answer is: “How can I support my spouse through dealing with the loss of his job because of Covid?” Kimberly shares from a wife’s perspective that it’s important to emphasize that our love for our spouses doesn’t come from what they do but from who they are. Reaffirm your spouse, and let him or her know that your respect for them does not change because of the circumstances. Tim explains that even if the worst case scenario were to happen and someone loses their job, you still have each other and the Lord. You may have to make adjustments in your life to handle the difference of income, but downsizing is not always the worst outcome. Assure your spouse that no matter what happens, your relationships with each other and the Lord are the top priorities. The difficult seasons will pass and you will look back and remember that even when times were tough, you had each other to lean on.

Join us next week as we continue answering questions sent in by listeners. Thanks for tuning in!



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